Volume Six
Edited by David Groves and Grevel Lindop
Articles from Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, 1826–28
Gillies’s German Stories
Gallery of German Prose Classics. No. I.—Lessing
Gallery of German Prose Classics. No. II.—Lessing
Gallery of German Prose Classics. No. III.—Kant
On Murder Considered as One of the Fine Arts
Toilette of the Hebrew Lady
Elements of Rhetoric
Articles from the Edinburgh Evening Post, 1828–29
On the Policy of Russia
[News from Portugal and London]
[As We Predicted]
West India Property [Part One of Two]
West India Property [Part Two of Two]
Mr O’Connell and the Clare Election
[News from Portugal, Russia, and Ireland]
[To a Reader: Invitation to a Set-to on Greek Literature]
[To a Reader: On Coleridge, Southey and “The Devil’s Walk”]
Derry Dawson
State of Ireland
[Mémoires sur l’Impératrice Joséphine]
General Mournings
[“The March of Liberalism”]
[“The Sweeping Hand of Liberalism”]
Articles from the Edinburgh Literary Gazette, 1829
[The Poetical Works of Manzoni]
Manuscript Transcriptions
[Peter Anthony Fonk]
[To the Editor of Blackwood’s Magazine]
[Mr Huskisson’s “Resignation”]
[Niels Klim]
Explanatory Notes
Textual Notes