Volume Five
Edited by David Groves
Articles from the Edinburgh Saturday Post, 1827–28
[Observations on Diet]
[Review of the Edinburgh Review for June 1827; Part One of Two]
[Review of the Edinburgh Review for June 1827; Part Two of Two]
Klopstock, from the Danish
[Mr Canning’s Death]
[New Ministerial Arrangements]
[The Nomination of Mr Herries]
West India Petition
[Meeting at Birmingham]
[Every Night Book]
[“Harlequin Changes in this Drama of Faction”]
[Review of the Blackwood’s Magazine for September 1827]
Owen of Lanark
Mr Canning and the Aristocracy
[King James I of Scotland]
Mexican Bonds
The Standard Newspaper
[Professor Wilson and the London Sun and Standard]
[Owen of Lanark; An Editor’s Apology]
[News from Spain and Portugal]
Triple Alliance
[The Catalonian Insurrection; Rumours of the Press]
[Review of the Blackwood’s Magazinefor October 1827]
Waste Lands and Emigration
Emigration Report
Tales of all Nations
[Italian Tragedy: Foreign Quarterly Review]
Disciples of Mr Malthus
Bank of England
Quarterly Review, No. 72, and the Standard Newspaper—On the Doctrine of Rent
Plagiarism; To the Editor of the Edinburgh Saturday Post
[Review of the Blackwood’s Magazinefor November 1827]
[No News from Navarino]
Political Economy; The Standard and the Ediniburgh Saturday Post
[The Battle of Navarino; First Reports]
[Review of the Edinburgh Reviewfor October 1827; Part One of Two]
[The Battle of Navarino; The Aftermath]
[Review of the Edinburgh Reviewfor October 1827; Part Two of Two]
[The Battle of Navarino; Rumours from Paris]
[Review of Blackwood’s Magazinefor December 1827]
[Rumours of War]
[Cornillon’s Dictionnaire and the Teaching of Languages]
[The First Casualty of War]
[Review of the Foregin Quarterly Review for November 1827]
Italian Opera [First Article — Rossini’s Barbar of Seville]
[London Newspapers and the Change of Government]
[“How Easy is the Descent”; Andrew Thomson and the Bible Societies]
Italian Operas [Second Article — Rossini’s Il Turco in Italia]
[“War may be Avoided”]
[“This State of Indetermination”]
Letters of Junius [Part One of Three]
Letters of Junius [Part Two of Three]
Letters of Junius [Part Three of Three]
Italian Opera [Third Article—“Our Italian Friends”]
[The Battle of Navarino; Rumours Affirmed]
Vocal Concert
Italian Opera [Fourth Article — Rossini and Others]
[The Prospects of France and Great Britain]
Moscheles’s Concert
[The End of the Coalition]
The Ministry
[The King’s Speech]
[“The Sublimest Rat upon Record”]
Moscheles’s Morning Concert
De Begnis’s Concert (Last night)
Mr Huskisson’s Re-Election
[Mr Huskisson’s Character]
[The Dissolution of the Late Government and the Constitution of the Present]
[“Pick-Lock to a Place”; Repeal of the Test Acts]
Professional Concert
[Anatomy of Drunkenness]
[Review of the Edinburgh Review for January 1828]
[Reply to “Antehellenistes”]
[“On the Subject of Emigration”]
[Two Words on John Ramsay M’Culloch]
[As Strong as “Sealing-Wax”]
[The Corn Bill]
Miss E. Paton’s Concert
[Rumours from Paris]
[The Transference of an Elective Franchise]
[“The Great Question—War or No War?”]
[The Foreign Journals]
[“The Pretensions of Phrenology”]
Explanatory Notes
Textual Notes