Volume Eighteen
Edited by Edmund Baxter
Pamphlet and articles from Hogg’s Instructor and Titan, 1853–58
On the Supposed Scriptural Expression for Eternity
Judas Iscariot
On the Final Catastrophe of the Gold-Digging Mania
How to Write English
Shakespeare’s Text.—Suetonius Unravelled
Storms in English History
The Lake Dialect
China I
China II
Preliminary Note and Preface to the revision of “China”
Postscript to the revision of “China”
Hints Towards an Appreciation of the Coming War in China
Hurried Notices of Indian Affairs
Passing Notices of Indian Affairs
Manuscript Transcript
[The Role of the Hakim]
[Doctor Franklin]
[Shakespeare’s Birthday]
Chrysomania; or, the Gold Frenzy in its Present Stage
[The Size of the Defence Force]
[The Defence of India in 1858]
Explanatory Notes
Textual Notes